To make the first topic in the outline a master topic which can have no Sisters, check this box. This lets you treat the entire outline as a single family.
To make the first topic in the outline a master topic which can have no Sisters, check this box. This lets you treat the entire outline as a single family. Disabled now because the first topic has Sisters.
When this box is checked, the first topic in the outline will be a master topic; it can have no Sisters. This lets you treat the entire outline as a single family.
To display a gray frame around the current topic, check this box.
When this box is checked, a gray frame will appear around the current topic.
To use printer’s quote marks rather than plain single and double quote marks, check this box.
When this box is checked, Acta 7 will automatically use printer’s quotes as you type.
Topics containing graphics will not be labelled. Consecutive labels will be applied to text topics only.
When this box is checked, all topics will be labelled consecutively, both text and graphics.
To include topic labels when you copy topics to the clipboard, check this box.
When this box is checked, topics copied to the clipboard will include their topic labels.
To apply these preferences to all new documents, click here.
To automatically open an Acta 7 document when you start the application, choose a document and check this box. Holding down the Option key while starting the application will bypass this feature.
Opens a dialog box in which you can select an Acta document to open automatically each time you start the Acta 7 application.
To use a modem to dial a phone number when you select “Dial” from the Edit menu, click this button.
Your modem will be accessed when you select “Dial” from the Edit menu to dial a telephone number.
To use your computer's speaker to dial a selected phone number, click this button.
When this button is clicked, your computer’s speaker will be used to dial a selected phone number.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select alternative command key letters for Close and New Sister.
To print this document without topic labels, click this button.
When this button is selected, the document will be printed without topic labels or markers.
To print the document using this label format, click here.
When this button is selected, the printed document will display topic labels in this format.
To print the document using this label format, click here.
When this button is selected, the printed document will display topic labels in this format.
To print the document using bullets as topic labels, click here.
When this button is selected, the printed document will display bullets as topic labels.
To include topic markers in the printed document, click here.
When this button is selected, the printed document will include the topic markers that are displayed on your screen.
Type the number of generations you wish to label. “999” has the effect of labelling all generations.
Type the number of generations you wish to print. “999” has the effect of printing all generations.
To specify other characters to be displayed as bullets, type them in this box, one per generation. The last bullet will be used for additional generations.
To print only the topics that are visible on the screen (expanded), check this box.
When this box is checked, the printed document will not include invisible (collapsed) topics.
To insert a blank line after each topic in the printed document, check this box.
When this box is checked, the printed document will include a blank line after each topic.
To print the current family only, check this box.
When this box is checked, the printed document will include only the current family.
To assign the typestyle of each topic to that topic’s label, click this button.
To assign the typestyle of each topic to that topic’s label, click this button. Disabled now because no labels have been selected.
When this button is selected, the typestyle of each topic will be assigned to the topic’s label.
To assign a unique typestyle to all labels in the outline, click this button.
To assign a unique typestyle to all labels in the outline, click this button. Disabled now because no labels have been selected.
When this button is selected, a dialog box is displayed in which you can select a font, size and style for all the labels in the current outline.
To view how your document will look on the printed page before printing, check this box and then click the Print button.
When this box is checked, an image of your printed document is displayed when you click the Print button.
To save the current document without topic labels, click this button.
To save the current document without topic labels, click this button. Disabled now because the selected Document Format does not include labels.
The current document will be saved without topic labels.
To save the current document with this label format, click this button.